Dúchas thar farraige

Dúchas thar Farraige (‘Heritage over the Ocean’) is a collaborative project between Irish guitarist Chris Comhaill and Finnish double bassist Otso Mielonen. Using Celtic traditional melody as a foundation the pair explore the adaptive nature of tradition alongside modern harmony, digital technology and improvisation. The project seeks to promote cultural collaborations through music, folklore and history employing a decolonising approach and embracing the idea that we can learn something from one another, regardless of our backgrounds.

live at Brønshøj Vandtårn

A duo is a special combination allowing both reactive conversation and a space individual for expression. As a duo Chris and Otso have had a close musical relationship for many years lending their musical conversations the depth, weight and personal history of shared experience. 

Filmed at Brønshøj Vandtårn during their tour of Denmark in May 2023, Dúchas thar Farraige perform 'Road to Errogie'.

mission statement

“A tradition should not be defined by its ability to protect itself from the outside world, but by its ability to adapt to it.” – Ale Möller

With this statement at the core of their ethos, Dúchas that Farraige seeks to employ a decolonising and multi-cultural approach exploring the use of modern convention, digital technology and improvisation paired with traditional melody.